Environmentally Friendly Feminine Hygiene

The average woman menstruates for about 10 years of her lifetime! During those years, a lot of waste is produced. The average woman uses around 11,000 sanitary products in that time. That amount adds up quickly with the high amount of menstrauting women around the world. Close to 20 billion products end up in landfills across the United States each year.


So… is there any other options!? YES!

The first is the menstrual cup! It is made of silicone and is reusable. It can stay in for up to ten hours, making it convenient for any busy woman! The recommended lifespan is a year, but can last longer.




The other is my new favorite! My period flow is so heavy, I leak often. Since I switched to re-usable underwear, I now go through my day stress free. These panties are AMAZING! Some even hold up to 2 tampons worth of fluid! There is nothing better than having an extra level of protection on those heavy days and I know that these have me covered on the others. a-thinx-period-underwear-review-cool-mom-picks


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